Whole Package ProfessionalI am so thrilled to have the initial version of my book out! The first copies arrived on my doorstep the day before Thanksgiving and I couldn’t be more thankful.

I am calling this a “pre-production” edition. My process is to seek great feedback in order to make it a much better product. In the next few months, the book will go through a major copy and layout editing process, and will then be ready for a barcode, an ISBN, and Amazon sales!!

In the meantime, I still have a small collection of $10 pre-production copies available! If you would like one, please email me (with your mailing address) and I will get one right out to you.

Why I wrote The Whole-Package Professional

I wrote The Whole-Package to establish my point of view and to share some of the systems that have allowed me to live an easier life. My life – like many lives – is rich and full. Years ago it had become so full – so crowded – that meaning and purpose had become lost.

With specific tools, tips, and tactics – those that I share in the book – I now feel more in control, more freedom and success – and there is more ease in my day-to-day.

I layout some key practices, but the book is not meant to be prescriptive. That is, I do not believe there is ‘one way’ or a ‘right way’ to do anything. I hope that readers might pick up several tips that, when modified for their unique circumstances, might really help them achieve some killer results.

The layout of the Whole-Package Professional

Section 1: Drains
The book begins by reviewing three types of drain and provides tactical approaches to harness, alleviate, and/or mitigate respectively. In addressing the drain, the goal is to conserve and preserve precious energy in order to approach all aspects of life with more openness and creativity.

Section 2: Sorting + Honing
In Sorting + Honing we take a time and task audit to fully understand the breadth of our commitments and where we waste time. We discuss the brass tacks of prioritization and calendar planning with regard to everything we do. Our true values, goals, and desires precipitate from the audit process. We consider if our day-to-day living – our journey – is in alignment with our specific desires and destinations.

Section 3: Systems, Routines, Tools
In section three, we explore the many ways our life is enhanced by making the mundane routine. Enormous impact, achievement, change, and fulfillment are often the sum of consistent, disciplined small actions repeated day in, day out. The tactical guidelines in this section help ease day-to-day living in the short-term, and develop mechanisms for evolution in the long.

Section 4: Joy
In the final section we get to the rich hearty center of life – joy, creativity, flow – or whatever defines fulfillment for you. We look at the key ingredients that when present, create our best endeavors, worth our best energy. We strategize to make the daily grind as enjoyable and fulfilling as possible by sprinkling the key ingredients throughout. We are on the road to experience a rich life and to become the best whole-package professionals possible.

If you would like a copy – send me an email (linda at livingbluprints dot com), or contact me here to purchase your $10 copy. Include your mailing address and I will pop it in the mail.


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