One Joy that has come up in a few of my interviews is that of “quiet mornings” or the “morning ritual.” I can kind of imagine this … (I know on vacation, my husband and I enjoy a leisurely breakfast on a porch or deck)… but when I heard this in my interviews, I thought, “lucky for them.” They are a) retired or b) running an their own businesses; and therefor have flexibility with their morning routines. I don’t have the option for a wonderful morning considering I have to be up before 6 to catch my usual train … (well, most days anyway…)
I have really sweet memories of my sister (older by five years) helping me to wake up with a “warm washcloth” for my face. And I guess this could be considered my very 1st AM ritual! I can’t imagine what it must have been like for her to wake up to her whiny sister every morning AND I can’t believe the kindness shown in getting me that warm, moist, loving washcloth …
Needless to say, it has ALWAYS been difficult for me to get up, and my non-AM qualities further impact the absence of a positive morning ritual as an adult.
So while it it my tendency to be a grump until about 10AM, and even though my schedule seemingly precludes the advantage of the “morning ritual,” what my interview subjects described is something I secretly long for, and maybe something I need. It’s compelling to think about being up when things are still quiet … with time and space in one’s own head… time to think about the day, and about the treasures it holds…
…and how is it that the suggestion of something (the joyous morning ritual) can begin to manifest itself…
An idea gets planted … it takes time and nurturing to develop and grow… and often, the potential was was always there…
In college, I took my 1st real yoga class (well, you could say I did my 1st yoga at age 5, with Priscilla Patrick on PBS – check her out! )… but really, my college exposure is where I thought I could get into it… Yoga classes are generally expensive and for a very long time, I simply didn’t have the money to go (I did buy videos now and then). In my early 30’s my gym offered “power yoga” and from there, I was encouraged by one of the instructors to try a yoga studio – the Baptiste Studio – in Boston. The expense still felt rich for my blood, but I did it anyway and developed a passion for it, and even went to a couple of “bootcamps” – one of which was a teacher training camp! Yes, I wanted to own my own studio. (I didn’t end up doing this, as the financial aspects weren’t working out, not matter how I ran the numbers; and I continued to work my corporate job and grab a yoga class when I could.) All this teacher training and the many classes I have attended over the years mean that I can do my *own* flow … I don’t need the instructor (which is cool because now that I can actually afford yoga, I’m too far from the kind I want to attend AND I’m kinda sick of all the proselytizing)… even with all these skillz, I have not been keeping up my practice…. doing it on your own brings its own challenges, like the discipline to make the time, and the focus to stay on the mat, (and not be distracted by time, and where you need to be in an hour)…
But, when you want something, and you make it an intention, things work themselves out… my husband introduced me to Pandora (even though I knew it existed, if anything, I am a “late-adopter”…) and I figured – “I’ll get some classical music on there and set the timer on my phone, and yoga can be a little more enjoyable… I can focus on the yoga AND relax.” So I downloaded Pandora and started browsing their stations. Lo and behold, I found a yoga station!! How cool is that?!
So indeed, whether for 5 minutes, or for 20, on those mornings when I have to be on the train so early, I am managing a *sweet* AM ritual … and I end the AM ritual with a moment to remind myself what I want for the day. I am convinced that these positive thoughts equal more seeds and even cooler things manifesting.
And for the days I don’t have to be in that early train? Here’s another really cool thing “figured” out:
A Joy that was mentioned at the recent conference session I facilitated was “walking on the beach” – part of me reacted as such: “good for them for living where it’s warm” and “why didn’t I do that more when I was in college in Santa Barbara?!” I live in coastal Ipswich, MA!! <I’m telling you, how hard does someone have to knock my head to get me to recognize…??> Folks from all over MA drive to Crane’s beach for a day in the sun and it’s 10 minutes from my house. AND, because I am a resident here, I pay $20 for a beach sticker which provides parking access ALL season (non-locals pay $25 a DAY!). So I’ve purchased the beach sticker (providing access 8am to sundown) AND I bought the fishing parking sticker ($15) which allows access after sundown to 7am! There are so few ppl on this beautiful beach before 7am and it’s a true Joy to be out there, running or walking, surrounded by beauty (and not waking up groggy and late for whatever awaits me)!
For me, these “rediscovered Joys” are blessings presented via interviews with individuals about their Joys and Drains. Are there ways you have developed sweet morning bliss? Maybe tending to your animals brings you morning joy…? Can a morning coffee ritual bring a sense of order and direction? Seriously, what is it for you? Or what do you want to bring in? Maybe the specifics are not yet known, so go ahead and will it! There is no end in the discovery of an increasingly beautiful life. Namaste, Man –
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