I’m always curious about what others struggle with when it comes to the daily grind and “fitting it all in” (managing a balance between all of the things we need and want to do in our busy lives).  For many, including myself, exercise is a common “issue.”  When scaling our to-do lists we’ll often prioritize tasks with apparent urgency and/or importance (some can’t even work without the pressure of the deadline). “Exercise” generally lacks urgency and while we know it’s important for our fitness, the health implications are so delayed and slow; they’re intangible. Plus, exercise requires time and discipline (mental and physical).  Are we ready/able/willing to get up that much earlier, post-pone our evening recreation, or interrupt our workday (if even possible) for gym-time or a quick run???

When you subtract all of the time we are committed (to work, to sleep, to commuting, errands, chores, and grooming), many of us have maybe 3-4 hours of week-day free-time. It’s a bummer and it’s a challenge.  We’re probably giving something up in order to fit exercise in.

Here are some various things I am doing or I have done to “get in” workout time.  My current situation is in no way be a regimen, but as with everything else, it’s a work in progress.

yoga matYoga – I’ve done a fair amount of it and even did some teacher training. As such, I can lead myself through a sequence and this is a huge blessing.  I might have time for 5 minutes, or 10 minutes, and these days, I have built this into my Morning Routine List – and it’s making a difference (a good one that doesn’t leave me tired).  I do it 1st thing (well, after a quick bathroom trip, turning on the coffee, and drinking some water).

Barre – If I buy a monthly pass I am more incented to go frequently.  I also like that I have to schedule it, so I end up more committed.  Classes on a work morning are a challenge – I actually shower before the work out (it doesn’t generate TOO much sweat) and even put on a little make-up; bring my work clothes to the class, change there, and then head for the train.  I can fit it in, but it requires a snack and beverage for the train ride – and all the prep should really be done the night before if I don’t want the result to equal -> scattered.  (“Scattered” is not the point of exercise, right?)

Tennis – Thank goodness I have a husband that wants to get out with me!  Tennis is hugely cardio – and it’s fun.  We borrowed rackets from a friend this summer, and have had a ball at the high school courts.  If we do this for an hour we are doing our bodies a lot of GOOD, getting a little sun, and spending time together.

Running – Ugh – man, do I have a love hate relationship with running.  Many runners I know also have this love-hate thing … and I know a few who really get a lot out of it.  I do not believe anyone is a born runner (if you know differently, please comment below!).  I think everyone goes through the love-hate relationship.  I know I am more happy to run outside, but not when that “outside” equals my busy road.  Give me open flat trails, and I we’re on!

::What hasn’t worked::
Early morning yoga at the studio
Unless you live right next to one, or it provides showers and you drive to work… I mean, who wants to carry around sweaty yoga clothes ALL day!  I did it for a while a few years ago.  The weight of the mat and the clothes just didn’t make good sense for me.

I did early morning bootcamp in Boston for almost a year.  It meant getting up anywhere from 4.30 to 5.15 to run around Boston like some maniac athlete.  I enjoyed the camaraderie and felt like I was doing good for my body, but I was REALLY really tired, and don’t think I was properly fueling myself. I think the lack of sleep and extreme exercise was affecting hormone levels (lots of stress hormone) and I was one cranky bi-atch most of the time.  I’m not sure this is the effect we’re meant…

I do know that many of us are chained to office environments for 7-9 hours a day and this is also not what we’re meant.  It’s not healthy.  Recently, my WW Leader went back to full-time employment and within 2 weeks, gained 5 pounds (this was the woman who had given us so many tips about sneakers under our desks, body wipes, and miniature deodorants!).

In a question I posed to my FB peeps, I was struck by the amount of exercise folks ARE getting (Woot! Of course, about a 3rd of my network comes from ski friends!!)  Here were some common themes:

  • We want to be fit (and a nice side-benefit can be a trimmer self); but do we want *fitness* more than what we have to give up to get there?
  • Getting up at the crack of dawn doesn’t work for many (respect your body clock and you’ll likely actually DO the workout, and have a better experience of it)
  • Some type of fuel is important just before or just after the workout
The TWO Biggies:
  • We’re better off doing things we don’t hate! -> for me, this means tennis, yoga, and snowboarding; and not running on Route 1 at 5:30am (or the streets of Boston at 6:30am!!)
  • Scheduling is key -> just like an appointment for work, with a doctor, or a dinner date, it goes on the calendar and you prepare for it, as with any other commitment (I’m talking to myself 1st and foremost!)

So yea – I am always looking for ways to fit in activity that I enjoy.  There are always new things to try!  Meet-Up is great for finding groups interested in outdoor activities (like hiking, running, skiing/snowboarding, and biking).  Another idea for trying new things: mine Groupon for fitness deals.  You can try a week of Barre, or a week of Yoga, or a week of Bootcamp!  See how it feels/if you like the studio/if you like the vibe.  Oh, and one more than I am going to do this very weekend: use mapmyrun to find routes others have created (for walking, running, hiking, etc!)… This very weekend I am on a mission to find a cool, enjoyable route to run on Plum Island.  I’ll report how it went Monday.

If you have more to add to this conversation, please do so at the link below!  I’d love to hear from you!