This Simple Daily Routine Sets an Uber-Positive Tone

Next FY Lesson!: Dressed to Shoes
There is *something* about getting fully dressed in the morning, right after waking up. Even though my mom didn’t emphasize 50’s-style household dogma, she did have a version of “dressed to shoes”; it was, “sweep the floor and wash your face.” There was (and still is) wisdom in this… it’s something simple (and powerful) about being “ready” for the day… To my mind, this actually makes you *open* to the day’s gifts. On days I do “dress to shoes” right away, I feel a sense of “preparedness” and the act sets a strong positive mental tone.

Growing up in Southern California there was enormous pressure to get fully dressed (with full make-up) even for simple trips to the grocery store. I found it liberating, here in the northeast, that the same type of pressure didn’t exist… <in fact, you might say the opposite is true here, where sometimes, in my local Market Basket, I feel like I am living out a WalMart Video Montage… warning – the linked video is disturbing>

I don’t think “full make-up” is necessarily where I need to go, but there is room for something in the middle… and most folks who do any work from home will attest that it doesn’t feel all that great to realize it’s 3pm, and you haven’t brushed your teeth or gotten out of your pajamas (ack!). What if the FedEx man has something wonderful to drop off and needs your signature?!

For the last 3 years, I’ve had the advantage of working from home 2 days a week, and there have been MANY days when I have been in some form of bed clothes for MUCH of the day. Lately I have been changing this practice and as of FlyLady (Thu, Aug 8, 2013), I have gotten dressed to shoes EVERY day, right from getting up (even the weekend days).

The shoes are like magic… they do something to my mind. With shoes, I have purpose … things to do… places to go. There are subtle things about this… for example, I really don’t like going into the basement barefoot (although I do often). When I have a real sneaker on, I am much more efficient about it and don’t hesitate to head down those steps (that slant dangerously downward!!).

Influences on how I am currently presenting myself do not stop with the FlyLady or some early memory from my mom. Stacy London, of What Not to Wear (WNTW, now in its final season – boo) also encourages that you wear something you *like*… something you feel good wearing. Now, I am “trained” as a librarian (have a degree in library/information science) and went to graduate school with a lot of women who don’t think that what you wear should say anything about you… (when I was in school, I would look around the room and literally be the ONLY person with a lick of make-up on my face!!) Like my fellow classmates, many of the candidates on WNTW pronounce that their clothing doesn’t *say* who they are. But with every candidate Stacy and Clinton <Clinton is Stacy’s co-host> bring on, the individual becomes a brighter version of him/her-self, as a result of the transformation… Stacy talks about all of this in a recent interview in Redbook

Stacy says:
“Seeing is believing. Clothes allow you to see yourself in a different light. They can transform you instantly and have a very real, visceral impact. Clothes become symbolic of who we are. Seeing, feeling, thinking, believing — these are the stages of how we change our style on the outside and our self-image on the inside.”


Exhibit A

I recently “re-embraced” more of the California in me and have been paying more attention to my wardrobe. I enlisted the help of a wonderful woman and entrepreneur, Doreen Dove, who actually worked with Stacy London’s Style for Hire team! I totally recommend this type of service to anyone who has the inclination. <shameless plug>Doreen works with all budgets and know that her advice will ultimately SAVE you money!</shameless plug> I initially hired Doreen to help me get some professional clothes together for a conference where I was speaking. (Exhibit A) We were incredibly efficient in about 1.5 hours because of the pre-work she was able to do!! (I got to the store and two dressing rooms were filled with clothes for me to try on!) I have since worked with Doreen to help edit my closet and identify missing pieces and I am able to do it all WITHin budget.

I am fully embracing FlyLady’s admonition to Get Dressed to Shoes every day (laying out my clothes the night before makes sure this happens!!) I am also embracing wearing things I like and presenting my best self – and it’s awesome!! (There are so many resources out there for this, like Pinterest and this and this!!  Find outfits you like and use them for inspiration!) It actually makes running errands a little lighter and I have a better sense of purpose! And strangers (the good kind) are making more casual conversation – they can see I am ready to be engaged!

Good Stuff, FlyLady!!  and Doreen!!  and Stacy!!  and Mom!!