I’m heading out for what is sure to be a super fun trip with 30 or so of my closest ski club buddies…


I’ve noticed that I do a ton of work/planning when heading out for a trip, but hardly anything to plan for the return home.  The post-vacation transition turns me into the worst child-version of myself.  I am cranky and whiny ->  Isn’t the purpose of vacation (one of them, anyway) to come back relaxed and *ready* to return to work and “regular” life!!??


I think this is similar to the “transition” most of of face every weekend.  For me, I think it’s part of what makes Mondays so hard. On vacation (as on the weekends) we can flow from one thing to the next, and are not so held to a schedule.  Even last last weekend, when my husband and I were returning from a fabulous weekend in the city, he noted (I’m paraphrasing), “your attitude seems to be souring by the minute.”  He was totally right.  I become a baby as I begin to think about returning to “structured and scheduled” life – WAAH.


I hate, hate, hate who I become as the weekend draws to a close.
And I hate how I feel the 1st day or two post-vacation!


I’ve been working on getting better at transitioning to Monday (which I might write about in a future post), and for this trip to CO, I am attempting (and chronicling) some new things to help with the return back to work and “regular” life!


Here are some things identified that get in the way of transitioning:
  • FOOD: do we have anything to eat in the house, or are we stuck continuing to eat out (and fattening up, as on vacation) until I can get to the store?
  • WORK CLOTHES: was I sure to have essentials ready upon return so I am not scrambling to find the right tights the 1st day back?
  • HOUSE CONDITION: is the house ready for our return, or did we leave it in some god-forsaken-10-day-old-state-of-things?!

I feel embarrassed writing this.  I mean, it seems like there is some expectation that we all know how to avoid chaos.  But I don’t think we were all taught to do this better.  And we were certainly not all “born-organized” (a term the FlyLady uses to describe people who seem, by genetics, to know how to keep it all together).  For me, just the mental switch back to the Daily Grind can be a PITA!  So here today, I am officially recognizing that I owe it to myself to make the return smooth(er).

Two good parts (of this particular trip) that will make all of the above easier: we leave midday on a Saturday (theoretically, time to get ready to leave won’t be so tight); and while we get back LATE on a weeknight, we have taken the next day off as well (thanks, Hubz!).


Now, the Pre-Vaca Prep Plan:
Food Plan
  1. ALL meals I cook the preceding week will be doubled, and that means many individuals servings will be waiting in our freezer for lunches and dinners when we return.  
  2. I will make a “return-from-vacation” grocery list before we leave – (let’s face it, it’s just easier to do these things now, and not when I’ve been away from my fridge for a week+!!). I will even sketch out a food plan for the week-post-vacation so I remember what’s in the fridge, et al (my brain is increasingly a sieve…)
  3. The kitchen will be clean, down to an empty dishwasher!
Work Clothes
  1. Two outfits will be laid out (down to tights/socks and skivvies) before departure. I will choose things I REALLY like, so that I don’t second guess upon return.
  2. Note will be made of any shoes that need to return to under-desk-work-storage (that I might have brought on trip)
House Condition
  1. All rooms picked up
  2. Office desk clean
  3. Bed made
  4. <and again>Clean kitchen -> empty dishwasher 
So, let’s see how this goes!  I’ll post “results” a few days after we get back.
Are there categories I missed?  What makes you especially cranky when returning from vacation or even just the weekend?  Do you have tricks that make any of the above simpler??


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