password-livingbluprintsAs I prepare to participate at a Tech conference for NE/SAE (New England Society for Association Executives) this November, I am having fun with some new apps! I’ve been using Dashlane as a password manager/keeper (something I’ve been wanting to investigate for a while) and I love it so far.

Dashlane reports that it saves you up to 50 hours a year – that’s all the time in lost productivity when you can’t find or remember a password! Heck, I know a few folks (maybe me sometimes) who completely stop their pursuit when they can’t find their password (talk about lost opportunity!). Not having a password is a total detour taking us away from the task at hand.

Dashlane is free to download (on computer, iPhone, Androids) and you only have to remember ONE login. It forces you to re-enter your Dashlane password when you restart; don’t lose that one password!

It will automatically save passwords as you entrer them at various websites: portals, databases, subscriptions sites, and more. You can also manually add passwords into Dashlane. You can sort your sites by category AND you can even share passwords securely (with people you trust, of course).

Super cool feature -> it knows when you have bought something and offers to keep receipts for you. Wonderful for business expense tracking!

I would guess that some would fear its security… I get it… maybe I like to live on the edge! But this one is highly respected (cited in PC Magazine and Wall Street Journal). You can read about protections at their security page. Here is one Q+A that helps me with it (quoted from their site, Oct 7, 2015)

Q. “How is it that Dashlane doesn’t store even a derivative of my Master Password? Doesn’t your app need it to work?Dashlane doesn’t need your Master Password.

A. We authenticate you based on your machine (and not any password.) You use your Master Password to only decrypt your own data locally on your computer, and your data is successfully decrypted only if you provided the right one.

Do you use a password keeper and if so which one?


  • Linda teaches Key Principles to Harness SPACE, ENERGY, and TIME for Flourishing People and Profit
  • She works with corporate audiences, entrepreneurs, and multi-passionate professionals who want to take increased strategic control of work and life


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