The weather finally cooperated AND I was able to rework the back shed into a temporary spray painting facility – allowing me to get the show on the road with Office Overhaul progress!!

My main goal, as stated in the Part I -> to work in an environment that is aesthetically pleasing and functional.
My areas of focus:
I am embarrassed by how much junk had accumulated in my space…(see before photo below).///The effects of clutter wear on us, sometimes without our knowing it – although, I am someone who knows it. Once my space is picked up, I go about my business much more peacefully and effectively./// I threw out a bunch of magazines and got rid of some old books. I got rid of the “desk caddy” that was overflowing with *stuff* I knew not where to store. A lot went straight to the trash. Things I am giving away include: the wireless keyboard I never use and the ditched “tickler file”.
My mantra, from the article I referenced in the Pre Office Overhaul Post:
“Decorate a home office with items that are both beautiful and essential.”
Over Desk Bulletins – Take 2
I posted some of the play-by-play on this effort as I stenciled my bulletin boards a few weeks ago. What a fun project and am pretty excited about the result (and now want to stencil something else – badly). I ordered the stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils and used little paint pots I have collected from the million (or 30) test paints I’ve collected for our walls over the last few years. The pots only come in flat finish, which happens to be ideal for painting on fabric.
Filing Cabinet Make-Over
The aforementioned boards sat propped upstairs for a few weeks while I waited for a non-Easter, non-rainy, relative non-windy weekend SO I COULD PAINT MY FILING CABINET! I got the blessing (from Hubz) to transform our back shed into a paint booth and finally finished the job last weekend. The cabinet looks awesome. Hubz wondered why I painted it gray, when it could be anything (that comes in a spray paint can), and a lot of filing cabinets come in gray. It’s a reasonable question. My thinking: I didn’t want to go to crazy with the piece that is the hardest to change. I can resurface the Over Desk Bulletins and update the Vision Board pretty easily. The filing cabinet can (did) take weeks to redo AND results in my files being “stored” out in the open and in the way for WAY too long (blech). <Left below is the before yellow-y cabinet and Right is more solid gray after photo.>
Inspiration/Vision Board – a minor change
I had to take down the vision board anyway in order to get the filing cabinet out… so it was the right time to rethink how high to hang it. It was just too high before, and by lowering it about half a foot, the entire space feels more cohesive. The images are due for some updates… I look forward to spicing it up very soon! In the meantime, they still make be feel good.
Desk Organization
Instead of an open “desk caddy” (which I think made to go in a drawer), I now have containers for the items I USE regularly… pens, rubber bands, and tacks. I use my stapler often enough that it is staying out, and also my cool Brother labeler. In following the “beautiful item” rule, I went to Christmas Tree Shops and Home Goods and selected a bunch of “storage” things, knowing many would be returned once I tried things out. I did also go to Target and Staples and looked in office supply sections, but nothing was cool and/or inspiring. I ended up with items made for other functions – like small vases, canisters, and decorative dishes
And here is what ended up on the desk (all else successfully returned!):
I am very pleased with the space. In my case, we are dealing with a small footprint and I am very fortunate to have a handy husband who could execute my vision of the desk. I believe a traditional desk would not allow as open a feel.
Still to come:
Hanging my degrees (so they are not propped against the wall, and taking up desk space)
I’m on the hunt for a “landing pad” – this is for live projects and will also serve as an “In Box” for items that need to be processed
So – how is your home office? Is it working for you?
Here are some things to think about and simple ways you might spice it up:
- Consider what IS working and don’t mess with it!
- Make room for the things that bring you pleasure and that you USE regularly.
- Consider ditching or storing “less-used” items.
- Might you paint/decorate the wall you look at? (Before choosing a color/decor, do you have memory of places where you work really well? Maybe a hotel room, or a coffee shop..? How was was the color scheme and what was the decor like? Copy!! And by all means, get a test pot before painting the entire wall!!)
- Pick up one or two items THAT YOU LOVE to containerize ESSENTIAL ITEMS
Overhaul Contest
And I have an Office Overhaul Winner!! Thanks for all for your submissions.
More to come on the winner’s upcoming transformation!!
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