For the precursor to Recap, read my ‘pre’ running program experiment post here…
What I attempted to do was so similar to my bootcamp days approximately 5 years ago… I should have known what would and wouldn’t work. While I am a little frustrated that I had to ‘relearn’ some things, I did get some ‘new’ learning as well.
Key New Learnings:
- I am capable of planning and setting out to commit to it!
- when you are super busy, you have to be super ‘planned’ in order for things to happen
- Getting up consistently early is good for me overall
- I got to a point where I was naturally waking up sometime before 6am; this helps me achieve other goals and allows me to be more strategic in how I spend MY time
- Regular time for activity is, in fact, good for: my peers, my husband, my co-workers, etc.
- I ‘enjoyed’ (rather, was proud of myself for) pushing through and ‘doing it anyway’ when I didn’t always feel like it
a good lesson for lots of things in life
- The exercise schedule over travel was awesome – kept me focused in a different way; definitely need parts if this weave into future travel
Some things I ‘re-learned’:
The more you exercise strenuously, the more you want to eat
- The more your muscles are inflamed, the more you weigh
- <the prior two bullet points make a terrible marriage and burrow into your psychy!>
- Being over-tired is NEVER better than making sure you got your work out in
Something I knew throughout:
- One cannot out-exercise food consumption (this was clear to me going in – it was never intended as a weight loss experiment…)
The jury is out:
- I don’t think I am a runner – I am not sure I want to be – I’m not sure I need to be – I think it could be interesting to ‘try again’ when I have a very different schedule – but why do I not want to let this go?
- My dream schedule might mean a few hours of recreation, including healthy activity, 4-5 hours of solid ‘work’ work, and the rest maybe spent doing household chores, visiting, running errands, and traveling
- My dream exercise routine equals solid yoga routine and brisk walking/hiking in awesome settings [where I can feel ‘alone’ – because quiet time is a (necessary) way for me to refuel]
Now YOU:
- Do you have exercise fantasies? (<-I wonder what that will do for my SEO?!) Seriously – do you wish you were/coulda’ been some awesome runner/triathlete/soccer player? Tell me about it in the comments below!
Linda Stacy, Productivity Speaker, Writer, and Coach, inspires her clients to achieve increased fulfillment, engagement, and success by way of energy management and the *brass tacks* of healthy, efficient productivity and time management.
<Image is book cover mock-up; VERY exciting!>