Audio Coaching Program
How to TAKE THE LEAD in getting what you need and want – personally and professionally.
HERE’S THE DEAL If we are lucky, life (including our work life) gets more detailed, interesting, and dynamic as we move through its stages.
BUT if we don’t have tools to help us develop new approaches, the increased complexity turns to burden and can block our ability to thrive.
Lead Myself First combines mindset, philosophy and strategies to live a life of meaning, impact, and purpose.
Lead Myself First – (MP3 Files) – $37.00
Lead Myself First is recorded coaching on three topics to help uplevel your work and your life. Navigate the complex over-connected world with tools and tactics for more satisfaction, purpose, and creativity.
1 Lead Myself First Introduction
2 Productivity Mindset
3 Self Awareness – Nature, Nuture, Noggins
4 Self Awareness – Stories We Tell Ourselves
5 Productivity Toolkit – Managing Your Willy Wonka
6 Productivity Toolkit – Household Hacks
7 Relational Awareness – Partnering to Get It Done
8 Relational Awareness – Be the Boss of YOU Tactics