LivingBluPrints’ 1:1 Kick Start Strategy Package
Create clarity of purpose and get more done with customized coaching and impact plan.
The strategy, effectiveness sessions, and plan will launch you into a powerful phase
of increased growth, creativity, and meaning for the next 12 months.
Before I Tell You About This Life-Changing Program, Let’s Talk About Who This Is Really For…
You’re already accomplishing a lot. You have a ton of ambition and are respected professionally and personally. But you’d like more satisfaction in all that you do, and you’d even like a little more time and space to cultivate more meaning, joy, and maybe a new creative project, business or design for your life.
Whether You Are…
→ a hyper-busy professional buried by your task list, can’t see the forest through the trees of your life and work, and you’d like the ability to get on top of it and see from a higher view.
→ a corporate professional whose demands have outgrown available resources and work streams have grown into a wild mess of overgrowth such that vision and focus are all but lost.
→ successful professional with big ideas (and big responsibilities) and you need a sounding board for your ideas, and for the plan of attack to get things off the ground and moving in the next awesome direction.
You’re in the right place and I’m going to tell you exactly how LivingBluPrints’ 1:1 Kick Start Strategy Package will give you the customized tools and support to get the next phase of your journey off the ground.
By The End Of The Program You Will Have…
✔️ Assessed your current roles and responsibilities as related to demands on your time and attention
✔️ Gained clarity around your strengths how how to magnify them in your work and personal life
✔️ Designed a daily workflow to more effectively manage the day-to-day
✔️ Gained understanding around behaviors that could be holding you back from more effectiveness and satisfaction
✔️ Gained clarity on how to take steps towards more growth, satisfaction, and creativity in your approach
✔️ Defined bigger expectations and possibilities for the year
I highly recommend working with Linda because she has amazing insights and practical strategies to improve the way you approach all aspects of life. I’m confident you’ll walk away with insights that you can apply immediately. 💥
Linda was fantastic and exactly what the travel professionals in our association needed to hear during these unprecedented times for our industry.
Linda gave me no-nonsense advice, but more than that, listened to how I worked, how I probably shouldn’t work and figured out recommendations and solutions that worked with my personality, workstyle, lifestyle and needs.
Her email reminders and action step(s) after our calls were spot on and I regularly re-read the emails to remind me of what I needed to do and the progress I’d made. They’re all stared and saved in their own folder now, for quick reference when I need them.
I’ve set better boundaries and got a clearer focus in my work than I had in months. I also picked up at least two new client projects in part because of this clarity, my better organization and plans I made as a result of working with Linda.
Sign Up For Living Blu Prints’ 1:1 Kick Start Strategy
What’s Inside
Over the years I’ve learned that a one powerful strategy session, combined with a detailed debrief and cadenced check-in calls, can steer you towards advanced heights.
Whether you have very specific goals or simply desire greater meaning, purpose, and satisfaction in the very life you have, strategizing with someone who’s excited to see YOU do you in an elevated way is transformational.
Client In-Take Questionnaire
The intake’s questions are designed to give you time and space to reflect on your current state and also the ability to envision heightened possibilities. The questionnaire is completed by you, in advance to our 90-minute session.
90-Minute Customized Session
Here we develop a strategy for the unique specifics of your life (top to bottom, home, personal and in-between).
- This will often include making some micro and macro decisions that will impact how you navigate day-to-day
- We’ll discuss what has to happen to begin to navigate differently (this is usually a combination of mechanical and mindset adjustments)
This session allows me to reflect back to YOU all the richness from your intake and to make connections that you could not see. (It’s really common not to fully recognize all we are doing, all we accomplish, and that we are making a positive contribution in our environments).
This call is recorded in order to augment the debrief.
While you will surely want to take notes during the 90-minute session, you’ll get a detailed debrief from me in the days following (usually within 3 days, depending on scheduling)
The debrief will include various of the following, depending on what your unique call warrants
- Outline of main themes and discussion points
- What surfaced for short term and long term goals
- Noted aha’s (clarity / lightbulb moments from the session that you might have forgotten or missed)
- Specific tools based on needs that surfaced/topics of conversation (e.g. video content/lessons, worksheets, instructional reference posts)
This call is recorded in order to augment the debrief.
30-Minute Follow Up x 2
- How is it going?
- Where is there new clarity and ease, and where do we need to make tweaks?
- What did we not consider when creating the initial strategy?
- 6 month period begins the day of the 90 minute assessment
- 2015 Whole Package Professional: the definitive guide to productivity, success, and well-being
- 2019 Optimized YOU! Nine tips for thriving in an over-connected, constantly-interrupted world
- ABC Matrix (to define and increase clarity around your unique circumstance)
- Decision making tool
- Success equation
- Your brain, biology, and energy
- And more!
Plus, You’ll Be Backed By A Risk-Free Guarantee
Let me say this upfront.
LivingBluPrints’ 1:1 Kick Start Strategy Package is a customized opportunity to work closely with a consultant/coach (Linda Stacy) who is committed to your success.This package is for individuals who are excited about and committed to taking action towards getting more of the right things done AND feeling more satisfaction and meaning in their lives….potentially building to wildly new and different avenues.
Here’s the thing – you might not be in a place where you really see that potential. You might be in the thick of ‘it’ – the thick of life – “in the weeds” and maybe overwhelmed.
If you are overwhelmed and/or too busy to see the forest through the trees, know that the Intake process is designed to help you get a glimpse of opportunity and potential – even if it’s just very initial vision.
If after the Intake you are not motivated to continue towards the 90-minute session and the rest of the package, show me you’ve put in that initial work (i.e. thoughtful completion of the Intake form) and I’ll refund the investment.
Time To Commit
You don’t have time not to!
You will discover all sorts of time that get away from you because you haven’t been deliberate
This package will reframe your relationship with time
This is the ultimate form of self-care as it begins to clear the path for more of the amazing potential for a richer, fuller life

I personally cannot wait to guide you as we get started this year!
Eight years ago, taking steps towards increased ease and greater effectiveness was the start of transformation in my life.
Whether you want to feel less crazed, or you have big hairy audacious goals to bring to life, I can help you create a path.
No matter what, we’ll work from a standpoint of getting clear on your WHY . Often when you’re managing very busy work and personal lives, your capacity gets used up and you can’t get clear on (or you forget) the why behind it all, or you realize that there is just too little opportunity for joy, being present, and having high quality experiences.
Should you choose to work with me, I will be fully on your side as you work towards a heightened experience in the ways that matter most for your life.
I look forward to connecting.
ALL my best,
Linda Stacy