I recently asked my audience members to share their biggest challenges when it comes to productivity.

I got great responses and one that struck me most significantly was simply, “maintaining enthusiasm”…

excited computer woman - livingbluprintsWith anything we are endeavoring to do (or do better) it can be difficult to stay with it. Sometimes our energy is not there. Sometimes it’s easier to be entertained by mind-candy like Facebook or TV.

///Although – there is no real issue with TV or FB UNLESS they are keeping you from greater intentions…///

Sometimes we don’t understand why we are ‘signed up’ to do something … think of work projects with no clearly stated goals … or some type of household responsibility that somehow ended up in your lap 😉

Lack of purpose, lack of direction – these absolutely DO NOT help our levels of enthusiasm.

Part of me says – “such is life” – it’s certainly what my Catholic-nun-teachers would have said. But what is wonderful about age and experience, is that we become exposed to more and more ways of thinking. We don’t have to take that same ol’ view from the (potentially) narrow lens of our youth, or a bad partner, or a bad boss.

We can change jobs, if not professions.
We can change social circles, if not significant others.
And we can change mindset.

But I feel mostly, that in order to maintain enthusiasm, we have to be tapping into something within us – something true to our nature. We need to tap into that part that is the very best of us and pour a it into our work, into our exchanges, and even into our chores, habits, and routines.

Oh that we could always be tapped into the very best parts of ourselves!!

Maybe you struggle with tapping into your best parts…?
Maybe you’d love to experience a little more enthusiasm right there in the middle of the daily grind flow?

I’ve developed a little worksheet to help you walk through some steps to help uncover those best parts… and then a little system to help you tap into it on a regular basis. [Grab worksheet below – scroll down!]

Living your *Best Life* isn’t always easy.
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