Enjoy life more fully by transforming the Daily Grind into the Daily Marvel!
Last week I wrote about the importance of identifying ways to enjoy life more fully, since joy is such an essential requirement for living one’s *BEST* life. In this post, I’m outlining small ways to build these into daily life.
People – whether you are an introvert (as I am) or an extrovert, connecting is crucial for *best* living and wonderful when it can make into a JoyMent (Joyful Moment) in one’s regular day.
phone call – with whom do you enjoy talking to the most? Make it a point to get in touch this week! For me, it’s my mom and my sister. It’s a treat to talk to either, and I will often interrupt other activities if given this opportunity in the course the day.
- coffee or drink – if you have the luxury of living close to these key people, calendarize coffee or an adult beverage at least once a month!
- key co-workers – find those that bring out the best in you, and make it a point to touch base, briefly, on a regular basis.
- share your voice – in what ways do (or could you) YOU incorporate your favorite people into ‘regular’ life? Leave a reply below.
Hobbies – if you don’t have any, you need to find some! I write about the joys of Hobbies here. Surely there was something that jazzed you at some point in your life. Tap into it and re-find that jazz. You can even combine People (above) by looking for Meet-Ups/folks in your geographical location who are interested in the same activity.
- space creation – if you have the luxury of space, and your hobby requires it, I recommend having a space that is always set up for you to ‘play’ – nothing says, ‘deterrent’ better than having to unpack and repack a set of tools and materials every time you want to play
- inspiration – use Pinterest, Houzz, and other online tools to inspire you to plan your next project – (create an online notebook of said projects using a tool like <Evernote>). This is something you can insert into your work day to allow for a quick mind shift, and help you remember how cool it is that your J.O.B. allows you the resources to delight the hobby! (for years, I could not afford supplies… these days, it’s very rewarding to spend hard earned dollars on these activities that fully fuel/feed me)
- share your voice – in what ways do you (or could you) incorporate hobbies into your regular life? Leave a reply below.
Physiological – if you are very active, you already get the joy of activity; if you are not so active, hopefully you can at least appreciate a refreshing inhale on a crisp, beautiful day; channel this when attempting to incorporate more physical joy! Almost any physical movement can change attitude. Physiological joy can also be coupled with People (above) to double up on the JoyMent potential!
- sleep – all joys can be more fully experienced if well-rested…and, getting enough sleep can be fraught with challenges (a LivingBluPrints can help overcome), and I highly recommend finding ways to overcome the challenges and improve sleep!
local walk – find something worthwhile in the immediate geography (where you spend the majority of your time), and walk to it! This is a lesson I need to learn. I work downtown Boston but don’t enjoy walking much, (because one is almost always crossing a street, on narrow side-walks, dodging cars and/or people!). But I do work right across the street from Faneuil Hall, which is essentially a mini-mall (and I do head there from time to time)… what I *should* do (that is *BETTER*, IMO) -> head over to the Commons and Public Garden, where I can walk without dodging people or cars (once I get there, that is)
- share your voice – In the comments section below, tell me what super creative ways you’ve figured out how to enjoy a greater radius around you. I have a co-worker that walks down to the Aquarium to visit the seals on a regular basis; it’s a very reasonable distance and brings her great joy!
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Linda Stacy, Productivity Speaker, Writer, and Coach, inspires her clients to achieve increased fulfillment, engagement, and success by way of energy management and the *brass tacks* of healthy, efficient productivity and time management.
<Image is book cover mock-up; VERY exciting!>