For many, school starts next week – (I know – for most, it’s already started!). Parents are getting their kids ready to re-engage with school life, and many routines have to shift back to a different state of normal.

This time of year has always represented a bit of frenzy for me, and I do my best to acknowledge the approaching change in schedules, and seasons.

Two bits from a recent trip home to California are helping me position this fall…

The first has to do with a story shared about my grandmother (who passed a few years ago) –
livingbluprints grandma angleMy mom and aunt were talking about how my grandmother’s personal space (her bedroom) changed after their father died (my mom was only 13 and her sister, 8; and the death meant their mom had to return to work). It was the early 50s – a time when we think of highly organized efficient households run by stay-at-home moms. My grandmother could no longer keep up her personal chores since she was balancing a crazy schedule AND (ironically) in the business of cleaning other women’s homes! (wasn’t she beautiful?)

The second has to do with something I learned about my nephew’s curriculum from last year – The fifth graders were asked to establish goals! (I wonder if my MANY years of scatter would have been reduced AT ALL had any of  my teachers been so enlightened…) Two if Joey’s goals were: play football and make the honor roll. What awesome things to work towards, and what a great approach to take with kids! (I’m proud to say Joey accomplished both.)

The two bits don’t seem to have a lot to do with each other, but with LivingBluPrints – my entire drive is about living life more ‘easily’ – part of this has to do with systems to manage personal space (from bedrooms to email inboxes), and part of it has to do with living life deliberately, sometimes via tangible goals.

Can we marry the two stories? – yes!

The 1950’s Grandmother story tells me to give myself a little grace – this was a woman who – in the entire time I knew her, kept her home immaculate. Knowing that SHE had difficulty managing it all is comforting…

livingbluprints football2The fifth-grader-nephew-goal-setting story reminds me reminds me of the importance of living with intention, direction – living deliberately.

When time is limited, and I can’t get it ALL done, I feel satisfaction and confidence knowing I effectively executed essential tasks (those aligned with what I want for myself in a bigger way -> the goals).

So as the frenzy of the new Fall ‘semester’ gets under way I am going to give myself grace, and I am also going to keep my eye on the prize(s).

What does fall represent for you? Do you have any mini-goals – things you’d like to complete or do differently this fall…? Please comment below!

P.S. – This is the 1st post since my new website launch – click around and check it out!

lstacyheadshotLinda Stacy, LivingBluPrints, teaches corporate audiences, entrepreneurs, and multi-passionate professionals how to use productivity and time management tools to take strategic control of work and life!

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