Vid Summary:
- THE RE-SET CHALLENGE included 3 things: (1) getting outside, (2) doing a ‘preview’ of the day, and (3) getting dressed and physically ready before commitments begin
- GOALS were around more freedom, focus, satisfaction in day to day
- GETTING OUTSIDE – this was more about benefits to brain and nervous system than the ‘exercise’ per se. Einstein and Darwin were both walkers (Darwin up to three 45-min walks per day) – it was more about creativity afforded than anything!
- PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS: I’m less anxious after the walk, I was VERY resistant at about Day 5, but seemed to push through to something good and worthwhile
- PREVEW / PRE-PAVING – this is about previewing the day ahead on paper before opening email (for example) which often lands us in reaction-mode. Two tools linked below (Planner Pad and my Re-set Challenge Worksheet) can help make the path a bit smoother.
- PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS: more focused, more ready to jump into high-value work/projects, and more empowered.
- GETTING DRESSED – this is about getting your physical body cleaned up and ready to engage – wear something you feel good in! I’d even suggested shoes with laces!
- PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS: the way I MOVE is just different when I have shoes on.. more confident and directed and no hesitation when moving about, doing the things I do day-to-day.
- Overall, doing this every day allowed confidence in my work and in my interactions. ▪️ OVERALL- I will continue these practices! I still lose focus in afternoon but desire to fill/distract with food/’unhelpful activity’ is WAY reduced
- Re-set Challenge Worksheet HERE
- 9 Tips for Thriving in an Over-Connected Constantly Interrupted World HERE
- ^^ Use any of these as something to ‘practice’ for your own 10 day challenge
- Planner Pad (print calendar I use) HERE
Catch the video here.