I’ve started a live-stream Optimized YOU! series! The sessions will take place at the LivingBluPrints community Facebook page and of course, I will also share the video here.
Most weeks we’ll try to do Thursday nights, but there will be some shifting due to my travel schedule and Thanksgiving.
- This week – session ZERO (10/10 already recorded – stay tuned for post)
- Next week – session ONE Wednesday, Oct 16th, 7:30
- session TWO to be announced next week
All streams will be view-able as replays, but I would love to have folks on live. Live attendance changes the energy of the group (and my delivery!)
Let me know what questions I can answer!!
Want my 9 Tips to Avoid Distractions, increase focus, and optimize your work (and life)?
Get it HERE

Routines We Could All Use :: 6-ish Weekend Routine Hacks for Relaxation AND Preparation
Ah, the weekend. Such a protected space. It's taken me a lot of years to realize that the totally open-ended weekends are not the best for me. I do much better with weekends that provide the right balance of structure, leisure, and pure...
Routines We Could All Use :: 4 Evening Routine Hacks for Easier Tomorrows
Behind every great Morning Routine is likely, a great Evening Routine. In a recent Inc.com article, several top entrepreneurs were interviewed about key habits. Common among all of them is a solid morning routine. A solid morning routine has...
Creating Revitalizing ‘Breaks’ :: Corporate Work Life Hacks
Do you ever feel imprisoned or trapped (like, physically) by the confines of your J.O.B.? I might be a little extreme on this, but almost every day I want to stand up and say, "Really? Am I really meant to sit here engaged with this computer...
My Running Program Experiment Recap :: I shoulda known…
For the precursor to Recap, read my 'pre' running program experiment post here... What I attempted to do was so similar to my bootcamp days approximately 5 years ago... I should have known what would and wouldn't work. While I am a little...
Another 30 Day Fitness Experiment :: Running
I'm doing it again! I'm running another 'fitness' experiment this month, much like the yoga experiment I did in the late summer/fall. The yoga experiment was super cool, because: I learned so much about what works given my life/schedule; and...
Enjoy Life More Fully :: 3 Bits to Build More Joy in the Day to Day
Enjoy life more fully by transforming the Daily Grind into the Daily Marvel! Last week I wrote about the importance of identifying ways to enjoy life more fully, since joy is such an essential requirement for living one's *BEST* life. In...
Summing up Chapter 1, Book 1 :: The LivingBluPrints Project
Though this post is self-contained, it is part of a bigger 'story' that begins here... My LivingBluPrints Project was born when I began to blog about my experience with various systems that were helping me improve aspects of my life. It had...