I’ve started a live-stream Optimized YOU! series! The sessions will take place at the LivingBluPrints community Facebook page and of course, I will also share the video here.
Most weeks we’ll try to do Thursday nights, but there will be some shifting due to my travel schedule and Thanksgiving.
- This week – session ZERO (10/10 already recorded – stay tuned for post)
- Next week – session ONE Wednesday, Oct 16th, 7:30
- session TWO to be announced next week
All streams will be view-able as replays, but I would love to have folks on live. Live attendance changes the energy of the group (and my delivery!)
Let me know what questions I can answer!!
Want my 9 Tips to Avoid Distractions, increase focus, and optimize your work (and life)?
Get it HERE

How to Stay on Task :: on Mantras + Multi-tasking
It is so very easy to get distracted in the midst of our work. Sometimes we distract ourselves (hello, Social Media). Sometimes we are interrupted. And sometimes we think that multi-tasking is the only way we can get anything done. For example, at work, you might be...

How to Stay Focused + Limit Distractions
We are constantly being pulled in SO many directions and who doesn't have the experience of being distracted from the task at hand?! I know I have an especially tough time staying focused when I am feeling any one (or combination) of the following: bored crazed...

How to Reduce the Impact of Chores (at Work + at Home)
Those pesky, pedestrian chores... Were you responsible for specific chores as a kid? I think of chores as household-related (and they certainly are) but they include anything we have to do on a regular basis. Chore-tasks are certainly not glamorous and even the most...

How to Gain, Preserve, and Conserve more of the *Right* Energy
Have you noticed that sometimes a task is extraordinarily easy and other times, the VERY same task feels arduous...or even painful? Most of us experience energy patterns of ebb and flow. At times we are simply more ready and energized for work, creative endeavors, and...

How to Avoid Procrastination
Ah, procrastination... One way to find more time is to avoid (or reduce) procrastination... We rarely make good use of time when we are procrastinating. And procrastination drains us of good energy... We feel badly about ourselves... A negative loop ensues. We know...

How to Maintain Seat of Control…
Take control and reduce anxiety ... Create more time and space for what you have to do and what you *WANT* to do!! Block Time to Plan One way to stay in front of the eight ball is to block time to plan. I sometimes see co-workers not remember a meeting until the 15...

How the Ability to Decide Moves You Forward – in Business and in Life
Decision vs. indecision - moving forward vs. staying stuck One key to productivity is the ability to decide. Deciding sets a course. Deciding is a precursor to action. Indecision can be the equivalent of inertia ... I was 'inert' for most of my years surrounding...

The Whole-Package Professional: The Definitive Guide to Productivity, Success, and Fulfillment in Business and Life
I am so thrilled to have the initial version of my book out! The first copies arrived on my doorstep the day before Thanksgiving and I couldn't be more thankful. I am calling this a "pre-production" edition. My process is to seek great...

Password Managers are the Coolest :: Mini-Review of Dashlane
As I prepare to participate at a Tech conference for NE/SAE (New England Society for Association Executives) this November, I am having fun with some new apps! I've been using Dashlane as a password manager/keeper (something I've been...

Your Inbox Doesn’t Have to Represent Your To-Do List :: Email Urgency, Systems, Hacks
Last month I facilitated a session at the New England Society of Association Executive's Annual Meeting. The talk was on Time Management for Increased Productivity and among the more popular topics was, email. In the course of the session, I...