Small Group, Corporate, Lunch + Learn, Workshop, Conference
- Ready to Recharge – built upon the passion that created LivingBluPrints, this interactive presentation guides its participants to create their own personal mechanisms for greater achievement. Read more below.
- From Productivity to Purpose :: Living and Working Deliberately to Reach Your Goals – manage your time and your environment to support your best work. Read more below.
- Going About the Business of Getting to Wellness … Most would agree, health and fitness folks are serious about improving our lives … for many, it’s a lifelong journey … always discovering more about ourselves and about how to achieve wellness, balance, contentment -> the whole package. Read more below.
Ready to Recharge – built upon the passion that created LivingBluPrints, this interactive presentation guides its participants to create their own personal mechanisms to achieve:
- a life of full engagement and abundance by:
- maximizing moments for creativity,
- living a life with purpose, and
- creating built-in mechanisms for renewal…structures to refuel the tank and reduce perceived stresses
- Session Length: 60-90 minutes, or as a 3-hour workshop
- Potential Audience: professional conferences and meetings, corporate wellness day, corporate lunch & learn
Praise for Ready to Recharge:
"Linda Stacy’s Ready to Recharge session at AIIP13 provided participants with a fresh look at the business owner as a whole person who lives a balanced life. Taking an interactive approach, Linda sought audience input to ground her content and give it context. It was a valuable opportunity to step back from hard-core business topics and reflect on the personal side of running a strong and healthy business."
Linda is a wonderful facilitator. She’s poised and professional and organized, but still maintains an open, warm presence that encourages everyone in the room to participate. She listens to her audience and takes the presentation where it needs to go, and yet she manages to keep everyone on track — quite a feat when you’ve got a room full of independently minded professional people who are used to working on their own, with no-one to tell them who’s boss!"
From Productivity to Purpose :: Living and Working Deliberately to Reach Your Goals – manage your time and your environment to support your best work
- understand why physical clutter can represent being “stuck” and learn systems to keep paper moving [to file, to action, to rest (trash!)]
- reduce time spent searching for electronic files and develop systems to reduce digital hoarding
- clear up the mental “black hole” of everything that *should* be done, and organize your time to work on planned tasks that support your most important goals
- have a “reason for it all” – a purpose – by clarifying measurable, actionable goals
- Session Length: 60-90 minutes, or as a 3-hour workshop
- Potential Audience: professional conferences and meetings, corporate wellness day, corporate lunch & learn, corporate department professional development
Going About the Business of Getting to Wellness … Most would agree, health and fitness folks are serious about improving our lives … for many, it’s a lifelong journey … always discovering more about ourselves and about how to achieve wellness, balance, contentment -> the whole package.
- Whether we’ve made a fitness a priority, (or are moving in this direction) we’ve demonstrated commitment to ourselves.
- But how do we begin to align all of the aspects that either 1) still seem out of whack – “why the chaos EVERY time I leave the house?” – Or 2) we simply want to improve upon – > meal planning and preparation….??
- …And how do we manage the many choices about how we spend our time; how do we execute those options with greater ease…?
- For those intent on finding or maintaining fitness and good health, this session explores tools, systems, and insights that get us to Overall Wellness with greater ease.
- Session Length: 60-90 minutes, or as a 3-hour workshop
- Potential Audience: fitness/yoga studios, fitness clubs, health-related retreats & workshops, corporate wellness day/seminar
Linda Stacy :: LivingBluPrints :: Ipswich, MA (& WorldWide!) :: email linda at livingbluprints dot com
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